Typical Umbrian cuisine

Special menus

We offer our customers the restaurant service at Hotel La Rocca about 100 meters away. Excellent quality / price ratio, excellent typical Umbrian cuisine that enhances the flavors of this land. The restaurant lends itself to a complete lunch or a quicker appetizer or salad. Courtesy and professionalism make it a place where you are happy to return.

Menu of the day € 16.00

The Menu of the Day consists of a choice of three first courses, three main courses with side dish and dessert, offering variable daily choices taking into account the seasonality of the products. Does not include drinks.

For those who want to taste the local specialties based on truffles at very acceptable prices.

Cisco menu € 19.00 (bread and blankets included)

  • Antipasto Birichino (Norcia ham and pork barbel accompanied by cooked vegetables and a basket of torta al testo)
  • Strangozzi al tartufo (Homemade Strangozzi - without eggs - seasoned with oil and truffle)
  • Bis of desserts (Tastes of puff pastry with Chantilly cream and berries and pistachio semifreddo)

Mastrona menu € 23,00 (bread and blankets included)

  • Antipasto Birichino (Norcia ham and pork barbel accompanied by cooked vegetables and a basket of torta al testo)
  • Veal strips with truffles (Veal strips cooked in a pan and seasoned with oil and truffle)
  • Bis of desserts (Tastes of puff pastry with Chantilly cream and berries and pistachio semifreddo)

Menu de Magnaddorme € 30,00 (incluso coperto)

  • Capriccioso appetizer (Bruschetta with mushrooms and bruschetta with tomato, parmesan, bresaola, stuffed tartlets, capocollo and raw ham)
  • Bis of first courses chosen by the customer
  • Sliced veal with oil and rosemary and pork fillet with 3 peppers with roasted potatoes
  • Coffee chocolate medallion